FEZA student grants
The Federation of European Zeolite Associations (FEZA) will support the participation
of 6 PhD students in the CIS-10 conference 10th Czech-Italian-Spanish Conference
on Molecular Sieves and Catalysis, by awarding grants to two students from each
country (Czech Republic, Italy and Spain). Students will receive a grant of €250 each
to reduce the standard conference fee. To be eligible for this grant, you must register
by March 19 2025
Doctoral students can register their interest in the „FEZA student grants“ via the abstract
submission form until February 15 2025.
The deadline for FEZA Grant application is March 1 2025.
The application rules and procedures are available at together with the application form.
FEZA student grants
For participation in the 10th Slovenian-Serbian-Croatian Zeolite Symposium,
"FEZA student grant" has been awarded to Sunčica Mileta.
We are excited to announce the call for participation at the upcoming 6th Euro-Asia
Zeolite Conference, scheduled to take place on 19 to 22 January 2025 at Alicante, Spain.
For more information and to get involved, please visit EAZC-2025.
9th FEZA Conference
The 9th Conference of the Federation of the European Zeolite Associations
was held 2 - 6 July 2023
at Portorož-Portorose, Slovenia
Conference in numbers:
5 plenary lectures,
11 keynote lectures,
140 oral presentations + 28 short oral presentations,
136 posters,
15 sponsors (one diamond, four gold),
364 registered participants from 34 countries.
Preconference school (6 lecturers), open science lecture...
During conference, some details were seized and can be found in albums at
FEZA 2023 - photos.
Crønstedt's Award
The plaque of FEZA's Crønstedt's Award for 2020 was finally delivered to the winners (live
at gala dinner):
Wieslaw J. Roth - Jiří Čejka
Jiří Čejka is Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague. He received his PhD at Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences in 1988 and spent 6 month at Technical University of Vienna with Professor J.A. Lercher in 1991. From 2019, he is
a member of the Czech Learned Society.
His research interests involve synthesis of zeolites, mesoporous, and novel nano-structured materials, physical chemistry of sorption
and catalysis, and investigation of the role of porous catalysts in transformations of hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
Wieslaw J. Roth is a professor at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University, where he has been employed since 2012. Before
that he worked for 21 years as a researcher at Mobil R&D and ExxonMobil Research and Engineering in Clinton, Jew Jersey, USA. He is
a graduate of the Wroclaw University of Technology (MSc Eng.) and Southern Illinois University in Carbondale (PhD).
He received the Donald W. Breck Award of the IZA in 1994, “R&D 100” Award in 1998 and Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award in 2008, for
discovery and commercialization of mesoporous materials. His current research focuses on 2D zeolite and recently resulted in direct
exfoliation of zeolites into nanosheets in solution.
The Crønstedt's Award for 2023 was not awarded.
FEZA "Young Researcher Award"
The Young Researcher Award was granted to Eddy Dib, Laboratory for Spectrochemistry
and Catalysis, ENSICAEN, Caen, France, for his outstanding contribution to the Science of
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials using theoretical and experimental approach of advanced NMR technique.
Eddy Dib
Award is sponsored by TotalEnergies.
The best PhD - prize
The best PhD prize is granted to Christian Schroeder, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
The diploma was delivered by president of FEZA - Svetlana Mintova.
Svetlana Mintova and Christian Schroeder
The 7th edition of the SMARTER (Structure elucidation by coMbining mAgnetic Resonance, compuTational modEling and diffRaction) workshop will be held at KU Leuven, Belgium from 17 – 21 September 2023. Abstract submission
More info at official web pages.
In the Name of FEZA:
The Federation of European Zeolite Associations (FEZA) created in January 1996, consisting of 17 National Zeolite Associations (Bulgaria,
Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, UK) has taken the following decision in strong support of Ukraine and all people suffering from the horrible war:
National Zeolite Associations within the FEZA wholeheartedly approved the measure to suspend Russia from FEZA, and to
promote other activities of the scientific community in support of Ukraine.
Our resolution is taken to support the peace, and in opposition to war and the suffering of the people in Ukraine.
We hope for an immediate stop to this war and a peaceful future for Europe. Let us stand together for a peaceful worldwide
community and for the sake of our future generations.
We do believe that Russian people are also victims of their government and our action is not against them.
The Russian scientists are not responsible for this war but we as a European research community express our opinion now.
The aggression against Ukraine decided by the government of Russia reflects on all of us!
The objectives of FEZA are to improve communication and collaboration between researchers in Europe for the benefit of the public
and therefore we decided to:
1. Suspend the membership of Russia from FEZA.
2. Become a promoter for other European initiatives reflecting the opinion of other European scientific communities by:
- official statement on the FEZA website
- state our strong support in papers currently in press
- express our support during meetings, conferences.
3. FEZA solidarity scholarship will be provided to a Ukrainian early career researcher to attend a conference in the field of
porous materials.
Celebration of AIZ
The Italian Zeolite Association (AIZ) celebrated the 30th Anniversary of its foundation (9th of December 1991) during the XV Italian
Congress of Zeolites Science and Technology (AIZ2021), held in Napoli from 9th to 11th of December ( jointly with the
Celebration of the Centenary of the birth of Professor Riccardo Sersale, one of the pioneers of the research on zeolites in Italy.
Among the invited speakers of the Celebration Event, which also included an International Symposium on Future Challenges in Zeolites
Science and Technology, also the President of the FEZA, Svetlana Mintova, as well as Martin Hartmann (IZA President) and Giuseppe
Bellussi (Former Eni R&D Senior Vice President).
The meeting, which was attended by many young researchers, was an excellent opportunity to share and discuss recent advances and
future trends in the science and technology of zeolites and related materials, but also to taste traditional Neapolitan cuisine and to
admire the wonderful collections of minerals (including those of zeolites) kept at the Real Museo di Mineralogia of the University of
Naples Federico II.

Meeting of Romanian Zeolite Society
The Romanian Catalysis Society and the Romanian Zeolite Society organized the 13th International Symposium of the Romanian
Catalysis Society (RomCat2022) preceded by the Summer School “Catalysis for a promising future” in Baile Govora Romania,
June 21-24, 2022. The symposium aimed to bring the academic and industrial communities in a debate focusing recent achievements
in materials for catalysis. The topics of the meeting were synthesis of zeolite and related porous catalysts, advanced characterizations,
heterogeneous, homogeneous and enzymatic catalysis, integrating theory and practice. More information could be found on this link.
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